Women’s A Singles Candice Sennecke
Finalist – Aurelia ZvanMen’s A Doubles
Winners – James & Matthew Gibbard-McCall
Finalists – Steven Duchen & Rob WrightWomen’s A Doubles
Winners – Kitty Chow & Heather Margach
Finalists – Jean Poon & Anneke SpiraMixed A Doubles Jay Bea & Julia Carmichael
Finalists – Stephen Dominy & Jocelyn SoutterMen’s B Singles Sajid Rizvi
Finalist – Reza FouladgarMen’s B Doubles Roger & Quintin Thorpe
Finalists – Brian Haus & Peter MaughanWomen’s B Doubles
Winners – Nicole Cairns & Meredith Weir
Finalists – Michele Hens & Zola Mu
Category: Executive
Wanless Tennis wins GOLD at Tennis Rocks
We won Gold at the Tennis Rocks tournament at the Aviva Centre.
Congrats to all!!!
City Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The City is working on a future plan for all of its recreational facilities.
You can find the latest update here.
2017 Adult Tournament
Women’s A Doubles
Winners – Peggy Donohue & Carol Mercer
Finalists – Nancy Estey & Anneke FosterMen’s B Doubles
Winners Brian Haus & Peter Maughan
Finalists – Stephen Dominy & John ElliottMixed B Doubles
Winners – Michael Harvey & Heather Margach
Finalists – Sajid Rizvi & Stephanie RizviMen’s B Singles
Winner – Darren Goldberg
Finalist – Bruno Lebeault
2017 Junior Tournament U12
Boy’s U12 Singles
Winner – Nicholas Pocanshi
Finalist – Quintin Thorpe
Wimbledon Breakfast at our courts!
Opening Day BBQ – thanks
Thank you to everyone who joined us on the 22nd for our Opening Day. My thanks to our cooks – Peter and Joe – for their attention to the food. Thank you so much to Sporting Life for bringing out some racquets for you to try on the courts. Thank you to Quinn and Fiona for their help setting up and especially for cleaning up afterwards. And as always, thank you to the Board members for their year round work at meetings and at the courts. Let’s have a super playing season.
Wanless Teams
Our interclub teams did quite well this year.
We have 4 women’s teams and one men’s team. One of the women’s day teams and one of the evening women’s teams won their divisions so both are moving up a level. Our 2nd women’s evening team came in a close 2nd so fingers crossed for them for next year.
Check out the hardware!
Alan Maguire is honoured by O.T.A. for service
At the Ontario Tennis Assn. Association AGM meeting earlier this month, our own Alan Maguire was presented with a plaque acknowledging the over 20 years of volunteer hours, advice, participation and counsel that Alan has contributed to the sport of tennis. In addition to being a member of the Wanless Board, he also offered his expertise to the Tennis Toronto Board for many years. This helped put Wanless on the Toronto Community Tennis map and enabled him to bring to our club ideas from other clubs.
Alan has worked tirelessly over this twenty year period at Wanless and was recognized with an honourary membership in the Wanless Tennis Honour Roll two years ago. A major accomplishment of Alan’s was the overseeing the completion of our fabulous new clubhouse opened 2 years ago. Check out our website for the pictures from the 50th anniversary party and you will see the photos of the presentation!
Congratulations again to Alan and thank you from all at Wanless for all your dedication to the club.
Message from the New President- Anne Fairlie
Good Day Tennis Lovers!
My name is Anne Fairlie and I am the “returning” President for Wanless in place for the next 2 years. I say “returning” as many of you may not know I was President for the 2005 season. That was the first year the City imposed an actual TENNIS PERMIT contract that included charging clubs for leasing the courts. Since it has now been 10 years, the City is revisiting their policy and plan to roll out a revised one for the next playing season. Standby for more on this when the new policy is released.
With the permit details in mind, October 31 signalled the end of our permit for 2015. The lights have been shut down and the nets will be put away on Friday November 6.
On the up-side, your new board of directors and myself have just had a transition meeting with the previous board members. We talked about many issues including the member survey results as well as the results of the post-clinic reviews that many of you completed on your own behalf as well as your child’s.
Our main takeaway from this input is that you pretty much like the way the club runs as a family and community organization – with an adequate amount of competitiveness and social activities – and you really just want to play tennis. I hope to see you at the Winter Social programmes: November 28, January 23 and February 20.
Watch this space for ongoing updates through the winter as I keep you informed of the issues the board is discussing.
Anne Fairlie