Member Survey Results

As you all know we conducted a comprehensive survey to the Wanless membership in late Spring 2015. The survey was sent out to 551 unique email addresses on April 19, 2015 and ran for 17 days total (until May 5 at midnight). Communication reminders were sent throughout the survey period to encourage participation. We also included a draw with 4 prizes to further incent response.

We are extremely pleased to announce that we ended up with a very high response rate of 28% (total # of responses = 146).

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all of you who participated. Your time and engagement is much appreciated!

Below you will find a link to the Results Overview and Analysis document that was put together for the Board of Directors 2014-2015. The document is organized in major sections as follows:

  • Executive Summary
  • General Background & Overview
  • Summary / high-level overview section-by-section
  • Detailed analysis question-by-question
Download Survey Analysis

The newly elected Board of Directors 2015-2016 will be leveraging learning and insights from this survey to continue to grow Wanless Tennis as an important part of the neighbourhood’s community life and to potentially help craft the Club direction and programmes for the 2016 playing season.