Wanless Tennis Club Social Events
Are you looking to make new tennis friends, mix and mingle with kindred spirits, or just get off the couch for some sun and tennis FUN?
We organize regular social events throughout the year where camaraderie, not competition, is the focus.
Our 2024 Social Calendar of events include:
- Spring Early Bird Indoor Tennis round robins (March 13 & 20)
- New Member Mix & Mingle (April 9)
- New Member/Club Ambassadors Round Robin (April 24)
- Weekly Daytime Drop-in Tennis Round Robins (starts Thursday April 18)
- Opening BBQ and Tennis Social (May 4)
- Weekday Evening Social & Round Robin (June 19)
- Wimbledon breakfast (July 14)
- US Open Finals Tennis Social (September 8)
- Annual General Meeting & Round Robin (October 5)
We also host a variety of “Spirit of Wanless” courtside Mingle & Watch events to support our club members in their pursuit of 15 minutes of fame & glory. Come together for a beverage and a bite while cheering our friends and foes in the playoffs and final days of: Club vs Club Team Leagues, Wanless Cup, Wanless Club Tournament and House Leagues.
Announcements and sign-up instructions will be sent to the mailing list ahead of each event. Please contact our wonderful Social Director, John Chenoweth, with any questions or suggestions.