Junior Lessons at Wanless Tennis

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We offer clinics that are customized for different skill levels of our junior members. We believe in building strong tennis skills and sportsmanship from a young age and nurturing this skill set through each level – from Tiny Tykes through Intermediate levels to High Performance. Learn more about the different levels on our on our Progressive Tennis page.

2024 Lesson Formats

We have several formats for Junior Lessons. Pricing varies based on the number of sessions, hours per session (either one or two hours), and the ratio of instructor to players.

Spring & Fall Clinics

  • Weekday after-school clinics – twice a week for 4 weeks (either Monday and Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday).
  • Sunday clinics – once a week for 4 weeks.
  • Junior High Performance Match Play – 4 – 6 PM on Fridays for 4 weeks.
  • Junior High Performance / Advanced LiveBall Doubles – 1 hour on Friday for 4 weeks.

Summer Clinics

  • July – 1 hour on Sundays for 4 weeks.
  • August – 1 hour on Sundays for 3 weeks.

All of the details for each of the clinics are outlined below, including duration, days and times for the different levels. Lessons are only offered to Junior Members – Junior memberships are available, registration instructions here.

Clinic Skill Levels

To see which level is appropriate for your child please consult our Progressive Tennis pages. Please do not overestimate your child’s current skill level.

  • Parent & Tykes: explore the game of tennis as a parent/child duo. Learn various ways to develop the child’s physical abilities so they can develop their game with ease. Racquet control and coordination drills aimed for 3-5 years old “Learning” the game together in a fun engaging way.
  • Tiny Tykes: emphasis on fundamental movements; racquets control and hand eye coordination drills. Introducing self rally and consistent ball contact. Develop the love of tennis. Ages 4-5.
  • Tykes: more complex coordination drills; racquet control; self rally skills development; goal is to rally over the mini nets. More activities revolving teamwork and games. Introducing volleys and serves. Ages 6-7.
  • Orange Slammers: continued emphasis on coordination, exploring the depths of a bigger court, emphasis on movement and rallying. Game based approach will be applied when possible. Introducing volleys and serves. Ages 7-9 (7 with more experience, 9 with less).
  • Green Aces: continued emphasis on coordination, full court tennis, emphasis on rallying, spins and serves. Game based approach will be applied. Fundamentals should be in place before transitioning to regular ball. Learning to rally with improved direction and height control, serving with better power and control, returning serves, and playing at the net with volleys and overheads. Focus will be on developing the complete tennis game. Ages 9-11 (9 with more experience, 11 with less).
  • Teen Starter: minimal tennis experience; excited to learn the fundamentals and get introduced to the game in a fun dynamic way. Ages 12-14 with minimal experience.
  • Rallying Champs: have grown up playing tennis recreationally; can control a rally and enjoy point play. Continuing to develop in all areas. Ages 11-13.
  • Recreational Advanced: kids that have played several years; have tennis fundamentals; love playing games and are in the early stages of competing. Offering increased court time and quality of instruction for higher level kids. Recommended age 12-14
  • Teen Advanced U14: Teens that have played several years and have the fundamentals of the game. They may participate Inter-club and love point play. They are continuing to develop their game but prefer the 1hr twice a week commitment.
  • High Performance: kids that participate in Jr Teams, Interclub and potentially OTA level tournaments. Have experience and years of playing. Can rally comfortably and incorporate all the shots in their game. Increased court time (2hr sessions) and quality of instruction for the higher-level kids. Recommended Ages 14-17

Please contact our Head Pro, Laura Borza with any questions about our programs. Having trouble registering? See this page for instructions.

Junior Tennis Clinics 2024

Please note that we are dependent on the weather and there are no refunds for rainouts. There will be various options available throughout the year for makeup classes and other opportunities.

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If the programming you are interested in is not offered or is sold out please fill out this form so that we can gauge interest and adjust capacities for future programming. Court permitting we will look into creating availability as soon as possible but it is not guaranteed and you will be contacted by the head pro if availability for the program changes.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Doug Philpott Children’s Tennis Fund

Philpott Fund logo graphic The Doug Philpott Children’s Tennis Fund is a charitable organization that teaches tennis and life skills to inner-city youth. Consider donating to help their worthwhile cause. $25 can send a child to camp for a week. You can add a $25 donation by going to our website.