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Wanless Tennis Programs for 2023

We are excited to announce that our Wanless tennis instructional programs are now open for registration.

Our new Head Pro Laura Borza and Assistant Pros Cyprien Tacq & Jack Garrett will be on the courts leading programming for this season. Laura has an extensive coaching history and is excited to implement new instructional programming for all members. Further information for Laura, Cyprien and Jack can be found at our Instruction Staff page.

Programming for 2023 has been revitalized with more offerings for both juniors and adults at all playing levels. Programs commence in April and run through the entire season. A few highlights are listed below, but please check out the website for full details.

Junior Programs

Adult Programs

We have a full slate of completely revamped Adult clinics for you this season.

Clinics are available in both the daytime and evening formats.