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Please mark your calendars and join us on Saturday October for our AGM, Season ending BBQ and Adult Social.
Based on the success of our May opening BBQ, local favourite Ken and crew from the Friendly Butcher will be returning as our Grill Master du jour, serving lunch:
All 5 courts are reserved for adult play - format / details to be confirmed.
The Annual Adult Tournament is underway with great success in all categories: Men’s & Women’s Singles, Men’s & Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. Please save the date Saturday October 1 (with Sunday October 2 as a rain date) to come out and watch the finals. Stay tuned for details surrounding snacks for our fans in the stands.
We are pleased to announce that we will run the Wanless Cup again this year. While the 2021 version of this event was primarily aimed at replacing inter-club adult leagues, the Wanless Cup 2022 will focus on competitive play for all members with and without teams experience.
The league will run on weeknights for two weeks starting October 3, ending October 14 with the finals played on the morning of October 15. We anticipate having teams with players paired by similar skill levels playing against each other in a Fast4 format.
Registration is required. It is expected that if you sign up that you commit to playing all assigned matches which will be scheduled in the evenings. Playing level is 3.0+ . You will be assigned to a team based on your relative playing level. If you would only like to be a spare, please indicate that on the form. We will not be taking requests for teammates.
If interest exceeds the number of spots we can accommodate, we will employ a first-come-first-served approach of qualified players to form the teams. All other qualified registrants will be placed on a spare list that all teams can draw on.
The deadline to register is Wednesday, September 28 at 11:59 PM.Starting September 25, we will be moving the Adult Doubles Round Robin from Friday night to Sunday evening. Two courts will be reserved at 6:00 and 7:00 PM for round robin play. Intermediate members (self rating of 3.0 – 3.5) are encouraged to register for 6 PM play, advanced players (self rating of 4.0 – 4.5) should register for 7 PM play. Spots are available on a first-registered, first served-basis. There is no charge for the round robin matches.
For more information and weekly registration, go to our website.
Limited spaces available in our Adult lessons for the remainder of the season