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Men's Playoffs & Junior OTA Tournaments

Men’s B2-1 TMTL Team Places First in Division

TMTL imageThe Men’s Wanless 1 team has made it through their semi-final match against the Cricket Club and will now compete in the finals for the B2 division this Thursday in a home match starting at 8 PM against Armadale.

Come out this Thursday to cheer on the Men’s Wanless 1 team and enjoy some great tennis. Pizza and refreshments will be on hand!

OTA Junior Tournament August 10 to 12 at Wanless

TMTL imageAgain this season, Wanless will be hosting a U12 OTA sanctioned tournament from Thursday, August 10 to Saturday, August 12. The format of the tournament will be a 2-star transition tour competition with 16 person draws for both boys and girls.

The transition tournament style is meant to be the "next stage" of competition beyond "Rookie" tournaments. Players can now obtain official ranking points in a tournament format.

Initial rounds will be held Thursday from 4 PM to 8 PM and Friday from 5 PM to 9 PM, with the semi-finals and finals held on Saturday morning from 9 AM to 12 PM (all weather permitting).

Swing by to watch some up and coming junior tennis players!